First Regional workshop on WCO Organizational Development Package held in Moldova for Eastern Partnership Customs Administrations

17 enero 2017

In cooperation with EU-FRONTEX, a WCO Customs workshop on the Organizational Development Package (WCO-ODP) was held in Chisinau (Moldova) from 13 to 15 December 2016, within the framework of the Eastern Partnership IBM Capacity Building Project.  The event was the last of four regional workshops dedicated to the WCO packages.  Fifteen (15) Human Resources Managers and Officers coming from the Customs Administrations of Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Ukraine successfully attended the event.

The objectives included promoting the WCO Organizational Development Package and raising awareness on WCO ODP available tools and instruments for the six WCO Member Administrations.  The workshop was officially opened by Ms. Lilia Melnic, Head of Human Resources Division of Moldovan Customs Service who highlighted the importance of a modern HR approach to face the challenges coming from the Customs of 21st Century, stressing at the same time the importance of sharing experiences among neighbouring administrations.

During this three-day workshop, the WCO shared information on ODP tools and instruments which cover Strategic advisory support and delivery, Human Resources Development, Integrity and Stakeholder Engagements.  The participants shared their national approach adopted in the six Administrations, contributing actively to create an open and engaging discussion, individuating common problems and possible solutions experimented at national level.

At the end of the workshop, the participants expressed their appreciation and emphasized the benefits of the workshop, recognizing the contribution to establish direct contact among HR experts, and wished that the regional initiative, launched through the Eastern Partnership IBM Capacity Building Project, could continue.