A new Agreement for the national implementation of e-learning

06 julio 2017

The Government of Malaysia, represented by its Customs administration, signed a new License Agreement with the WCO for the use of the new version of the WCO e-learning programme based on the CLiKC! platform. The signature was carried out in the margins of the 129th/130th Sessions of the WCO Council.

Malaysia has already successfully rolled out the WCO e-learning programme since 2005 and had expressed a keen interest  to benefit from the flexibility and new features offered by the new learning management systems in order to build the capacity of its officers.

The Agreement was signed by WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya and the Director General of Malaysian Customs, Mr. Dato' Indera Subromaniam Tholasy on 5 July 2017.  The License Agreement allows the installation of all WCO e-learning courses on Malaysian Customs' servers for the benefit of its officers.