Customs Officers in the SACU region receive WCO support on successful stakeholder consultation

09 marzo 2017

Under the WCO – SACU Connect Project, financed by Sweden, the SACU region has embarked in a number of initiatives at national and regional level towards improving the relationship between Customs and Business. In 2015, the SACU region successfully convened the 3rd Regional Customs Trade Forum with support from the WCO and SACU Secretariats. Emanating from this forum was the urgent need to strengthen the National Customs to Business forums which are deemed to be the fundamental framework for the Regional Customs Trade forums. Therefore, the SACU region expressed the need to strengthen the Member States’ capacity to effectively consult with stakeholders and build customs to business partnerships.

In Johannesburg, South Africa, from 21 to 25 November 2016, 16 Customs officers from SACU member administrations were trained in the area of successful stakeholder consultation. The training was facilitated by Accredited WCO Experts from the SACU region. As a result of the workshop, participants drafted National Stakeholder Consultation action plans which outline the administration’s national effort in necessary interaction with key stakeholders. The action plans will be used to guide and improve cooperation with businesses in the implementation of the Preferred Trader Programme once they are approved by the Member administrations.  

For more information, please contact Mr. Dalton N. Nxumalo (WCO-SACU CONNECT Project Manager) at or