Dominican Republic Customs Hosts Risk Assessment and Selectivity Workshop

01 marzo 2017

The WCO, in cooperation with the Dominican Republic Customs and with the sponsorship of Customs Cooperation Fund of Japan, organized a Risk Assessment and Selectivity Workshop in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from 20 to 24 February 2017. The workshop was attended by 24 participants from the Headquarters and field-level offices. 

During the opening remarks, Mr. Arturo Jose Perez Perez, Head of Risk-Cargo Department, highlighted the importance of adopting a holistic approach in risk management implementation. The relationship between risk-based selectivity and effective resource allocation, facilitation and control were also underlined.

Throughout the Workshop, several topics were covered related to organizational and operational aspects of risk management. Risk-based cargo and passenger selectivity including information and intelligence were the focus of the programme. Most of the sessions were followed by group works, practical exercises and case studies.

During these 5 days, participants discussed how to identify and address risks as well as how to develop an effective profile by using the methodology explained in the WCO Customs Risk Management Compendium. Case studies and practical exercises also contributed to their further understanding of the various topics.

During the closing ceremony, Mr. Enrique Ramirez Paniagua, Director General of Customs, addressed the participants. He emphasized the important role of risk management in a modern Customs administration in ensuring optimal balance between trade facilitation and effective Customs control.