Myanmar hosts a WCO National Workshop on Customs Laboratory and Chemical Analysis

29 mayo 2017

With the sponsorship of the Japanese Customs Cooperation Fund, a WCO National Workshop on Customs Laboratory and Chemical Analysis was held at the headquarters of Myanmar Customs Department in Yangon, Myanmar, from 15 to 18 May 2017.

At the opening of the Workshop, Mr. Aung San Tun, Deputy Director General of the Myanmar Customs Department, highlighted the importance of Customs Laboratories.  He emphasized that Myanmar Customs has been undertaking reform and modernization measures as a Member of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) through trade facilitation with the aids of international organizations.  In this context, establishing a modern Customs Laboratory would enhance the process of cargo clearance, support trade facilitation and efficient revenue collection.  He concluded by thanking the representatives from the WCO Secretariat's Tariff and Trade Affairs Directorate and from Japan Customs Administration for facilitating the discussions on the Customs Laboratory and Chemical Analysis that were new to the Myanmar Customs.

During the Workshop, a wide range of topics relating to the establishment and use of Customs Laboratories for HS classification as well as for enforcement purposes, including identification of drugs were addressed.  Participants were also informed about the infrastructures and designs of different sized Customs Laboratories in Japan, including so-called satellite Laboratories located in the main airports.  Moreover, participants discussed and evaluated their analysis needs and considered possible future actions for the establishment of a Customs Laboratory in Myanmar.

The Workshop was closed by Mr. Moe Kyaw Aye, Director of Thilawa SEZ Customs, and Ms. Aye Aye Htoo, Deputy Director of the Administration Division of Myanmar Customs Department.  In their closing remarks, they thanked the WCO and Japan for their contributions to the modernization of Myanmar Customs.  They emphasized again the importance of the establishment of a Customs Laboratory with a view to ensuring the correct collection of revenue and promoting international trade and investment while controlling the international movement of certain commodities.