Container Control Programme provided Practical Training on Air Cargo Control in Cuba

24 noviembre 2017

From 7 to 17 November 2017, Cuba hosted the Practical Training on Air Cargo Control in the framework of the UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme (CCP) at José Marti International Airport in La Habana. The training was conducted by a WCO technical expert and a UK Border Force training expert who had already experience working in Cuba. It was intended to support the establishment of a specialized Air Cargo Control Unit (ACCU) at this Airport.

The training introduced different interdiction techniques that can be used at the airport to identify and intercept illicit shipments including narcotics.  A presentation on the implementation of CITES in Cuba and the smuggling of wildlife was delivered by the National CITES Management Authority while  another presentation by the Ministry of Culture focused on the protection of cultural property in Cuba and the smuggling of Cultural artifacts. A total of 11 customs officers from Cuba participated in this training event.

Both the Cuban participants and the training experts were very satisfied with the outcomes of the training and are motivated to continue with the staged training concept applied by the CCP.

Currently, Air Cargo Control Units established in the framework of the CCP are operational in 4 countries; funding for 11 countries in total has been granted by the donors of this joint UNODC-WCO programme.

The implementation of the Container Control Programme in Cuba is funded by the Government of Canada.