Long-term WCO support on integrity leads to positive outcomes at Rwanda Revenue Authority

03 octubre 2017

The WCO-Norad Project on Customs Capacity Building in Rwanda conducted a mission in Kigali, Rwanda, 18–22 September 2017. The project has been focusing on capacity building on Integrity and Stakeholder Communication in Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA). This mission further supported RRA’s implementation of its Integrity Strategy by drawing on the new Code of Conduct and key WCO materials on integrity to prepare training and communication tools for Customs officers and other stakeholders.

RRA is committed to promote a culture of integrity and to communicate what the administration does in order to improve the transparency of its operations and the measures that are taken to fight against corruption.  Over the past 4 years, the WCO has been providing expertise to support RRA in its establishment of an Integrity Committee and review and development of a revised Integrity Strategy and Action Plan which included the revision of the administration’s Code of Conduct and communication materials.

This mission is one of the last to be held under the current WCO-Norad Project and offered an excellent opportunity to take stock of the developments in the area of Integrity and stakeholder communication within the RRA.  The current position is very positive, and the culture of integrity within RRA has clearly grown within the last 4 years, as evidenced by greater awareness of the officers driven by clearer and more readily available communication and training on integrity-related matters.

The WCO-Norad Customs Capacity Building Project 2012-17 aims at delivering technical assistance to seven countries: Timor-Leste, Liberia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Tanzania and Vietnam.  For more information, please contact the Project Manager, Ms. Andrea Hampton (Andrea.Hampton@wcoomd.org)