WCO attended the 2nd Workshop on Customs Detection Technologies

18 octubre 2017

From 10-12 October the WCO attended the 2nd Workshop on Customs Detection Technologies held in Tartu, Estonia. The Workshop was organized by the European Commission and the Estonian Tax and Customs Board, with the Customs Laboratory European Network and the EU Customs Detection Technology Project Group, under the Customs 2020 Programme.

The Workshop was opened by Mr. Urmas Koidu, Head of the Customs Department in Estonia and by Ms. Lina Papamichalopoulou, Head of DG TAXUD Unit B2 – Risk Management and Security. Both emphasized the important role played by technology in Customs Laboratories and in the protection of the society.

During the conference, 82 experts from all European countries, Canada, DR Congo, the Netherland Forensic Institute, IAEA and the WCO exchanged experiences and challenges regarding chemical analytical methods used by Customs Laboratories and comparisons of the different equipment available. Industry representatives of companies manufacturing instruments also attended the Workshop and presented their instruments to the experts.

The WCO representative chaired a breakout session on mineral resources and presented the WCO activities related to the control and protection of mineral resources and detection technologies.

During the Workshop, a wide range of topics related to Customs Laboratories, mobile laboratories and applied detection technologies, including limitations and problems, were addressed.

Moreover, the chemical analysis of some specific commodities (e.g., mineral oils, ores, narcotics and designer drugs) and the characteristics of some modern analytical equipment (e.g., XRF, Raman, FTIR, NIR, etc.) were discussed by participants and facilitators.

There were also presentations referring to the control of post and parcels, the use of drones, X-ray equipment and integration of different detection tools to improve targeted inspection using Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technology.

In her closing remarks, Ms. Lina Papamichalopoulou thanked participants for the high level of the discussions. She said that although progress through innovation has been made, Customs should continue to adapt and innovate to face new and emerging threats. She also mentioned that detection technologies and equipment are improving fast, making training and exchange of knowledge a very important requirement for Customs Administrations.