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Mongolia Customs receive advice from WCO on strengthening valuation controls

05 septiembre 2017

At the request of the Mongolia Customs General Administration, a WCO mission team recently conducted a diagnostic analysis of the current Customs valuation infrastructure and provided recommendations on the way ahead.

The mission, delivered by experts from the WCO Secretariat, China Customs and Maldives Customs, took place between 28 August and 1 September and was kindly funded by the China Customs Cooperation Fund.

Based on tools developed under the WCO’s Revenue Package programme, the mission team met with senior managers and key units in Mongolia Customs, including the central valuation team, risk management and Post clearance audit teams, as well as clearance officials. The WCO team emphasised the importance of strong cooperation and communication between these units. Advanced technical valuation training and development of valuation trainer capacity were also highlighted as important objectives.

As part of the mission programme, a two-day valuation workshop was delivered for specialists which covered recent discussions at the Technical Committee on Customs Valuation on topics such as transfer pricing, royalties and licence fees and good practices on a range of valuation issues, based on the Revenue Package recommendations.