National Workshop in Dakar, Senegal, on WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing

02 agosto 2018

Following a request for technical assistance related to capacity building on Customs valuation and transfer pricing, the World Customs Organization organized with the support of the General Directorate of Customs of Senegal a national training workshop in Dakar from 23 to 27 July.

Twenty-three officials from the General Directorates of Customs and Taxes actively participated in this workshop focused on the different principles and methodologies concerning transfer pricing and Customs valuation of goods imported in transactions between related persons.  Experts from the WCO, the World Bank Group and Senegal General Directorate of Taxes led this workshop.

The participants reviewed case studies of scenarios in which Customs took into account information provided in a transfer pricing study when examining the circumstances surrounding the sale in transactions between related persons.  This workshop allowed officials from Senegal Customs and Tax Directorates to meet, discuss and share their respective national practices.

In round table discussion, participants agreed that the exchange of information and increased cooperation between the two Directorates will be beneficial in their respective tasks.

Some copies of the recently updated WCO Guide on Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing were distributed to the participants.