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Comoros benefits from the WCO People Development Support Programme

13 febrero 2018

A WCO mission was held in Moroni (Comoros) from 29 January to 1 February 2018 to deliver a Human Resource (HR) Diagnostic to the Comoros Customs Administration.

The mission, funded by the WCO-ESA Project II, aimed at assessing the current HR structure and needs of Comoros Customs, benchmarking with the WCO standards and good practices, and identifying recommendations to strengthen the on-going HRM reform. Together with the WCO Framework of Principles and Practices on Customs Professionalism, the People Development Diagnostic Tool offers a complete set of instruments available to sustain the Members’ continuous efforts for Customs modernization.  The embedded HR standards and methods are practical tools to guide Customs to align their HR processes with the Profession and organization’s specific operating models and competencies with a view to attracting, developing and retaining performant, motivated and agile workforce.

During the mission, the WCO facilitators worked with a highly committed project team, previously familiarized with the WCO competency-based approach for HR through the WCO Framework on Customs Professionalism.  The team performed a thorough analysis and in-depth discussions on current Comoros HR processes, policies and capabilities.  Moreover, the WCO experts interviewed a number of HR stakeholders and clients, including Top manager, Senior and Middle operational managers, who provided valuable feedback regarding their perception on how HR is serving the organization.

The assessment resulted in the identification of recommendations and priorities for an enhanced implementation of an organization-wide competency-based HRM and HRD.