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Strategic Trade Control Enforcement activities – March 2019

26 abril 2019

As part of its ongoing In Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Programme the WCO Security Programme delivered two national training workshops, one in Rabat, Morocco, and another in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. March 2019.

The standard 4-days national STCE training events serve the purpose of increasing customs’ capacities to comply with non-proliferation obligations of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004). At the events, frontline customs staff were introduced to the concept of STCE and trained in ways to identify weapons of mass destruction, their constituent parts, means of delivery and the dual-use materials and items needed to manufacture these products.

In accordance with WCO’s pursuit to build a cadre of STCE experts capable of imparting the STCE curriculum in various languages, the Moroccan training event was part of a process to identify future candidates to attend a French language STCE Train the Trainer workshop later this year.

Should your administration be interested in hosting a national STCE workshop, please contact Adam Vas, STCE Programme Coordinator at WCO ( ).