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Strategic Trade Control Enforcement national training, Jamaica, April 2019

29 abril 2019

The WCO Security Programme conducted a national Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) training workshop in Kingston, Jamaica from 1-4 April 2019.

The standard 4-days national STCE training events enhance customs capacities to enforce non-proliferation measures set forth by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004). At the event in Kingston, approximately 20 frontline customs staff from the Jamaican Customs Agency (JCA) were introduced to the concept of STCE. In addition, there was active participation from the Jamaican Ministry of National Security and the Jamaican Hazardous Substances and Regulation Authority. The course assisted Customs officials to identify weapons of mass destruction, their constituent parts, means of delivery and dual-use materials and items needed to manufacture these products.

The event also included a meeting with JCA senior management to brief them on the importance of STCE and incorporating STCE into Custom “business as usual” activities. After the briefing, JCA officials took WCO trainers for a marine port tour which highlighted source countries of incoming containers, and demonstrated the contraband detection technology in use in Jamaica.

The WCO is currently liaising with members about future STCE National trainings, should your administration be interested in hosting a national STCE workshop, please contact Adam Vas, STCE Programme Coordinator at WCO ( ).