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Electronic crime experts from Customs meet in Tokyo

11 diciembre 2019

Japan Customs hosted the annual meeting of the WCO Electronic Crime Experts Group (ECEG) in Tokyo, Japan from 3 to 5 December 2019.

Specialists from 19 Customs administrations discussed topical issues relating to cybercrime investigations, including bitcoin payments and seizures of assets in bitcoin currency; digital forensics and technical and human resource requirements for setting up and running specialized digital forensics units; artificial intelligence and its use in X-ray image recognition; and big data analysis for intellectual property right (IPR) enforcement.

The ECEG participants agreed to raise awareness about the important issue of digital forensics among WCO Members by organizing specialized workshops.

Japan Customs provided detailed insights into its digital forensics infrastructure and new technological means of implementing passenger risk profiling at airports, bringing together Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data.