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Successful WCO Training-of-Trainers Workshop in the Ukraine

09 diciembre 2019

As part of the corporate plan of the WCO Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) in the Europe Region, the WCO conducted a national Training-of-Trainers (TOT) Workshop.  The workshop was held at the Regional Training Centre (RTC) in Khmelnytskyi from 25 to 29 November and was based on the WCO competency approach. The aim of the workshop was to equip the RTC with a pool of 15 (10 women and 5 men) competency builders in technical and managerial areas, able to effectively enhance the training delivery system and deliver competency-based training to the State Fiscal Service (SFS) staff.

The workshop provided the participants with the opportunity to understand and apply the fundamentals of competency-based training. The content of the workshop focused on the adult learning cycle, the competency-based training process with an emphasis on the training need analysis, training design, training delivery techniques and training evaluation methods. 

Based on the practical approach, the workshop allowed the participants to demonstrate their competencies in training design and their ability to deliver a training session on different topics for distinct audiences. At the end, participants were provided constructive feedback from their colleagues, the trainees, and the facilitators.

The participants and the management of the RTC are committed to implement and promote the principles of competency-based training within the SFS of Ukraine.   

For further information, please contact the WCO Capacity Building Directorate: