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The WCO holds its 2nd Global Meeting of Integrity Experts

20 diciembre 2019

The World Customs Organization (WCO) held its second Global Meeting of Integrity Experts from 16 to 19 December 2019 at the WCO Regional Training Center (RTC) in Xiamen, China. The event took place with the generous financial support from the Customs Cooperation Fund of China and brought together 25 integrity development experts from 18 Member administrations covering all six WCO regions, as well as representatives from both the WCO Asia Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) and the RTC in Xiamen. 

The main objectives of the meeting was to consolidate the knowledge of recognized Customs integrity experts, following-up on the outcomes of the first Global Meeting held in October 2018,  and to review the WCO’s main integrity tool, the Integrity Development Guide (IDG).

In his opening remarks, the Deputy Director General of Xiamen Customs, Mr. Zhou Li, highlighted the significant role of integrity in the work of Customs and reiterated the importance of implementation of provisions of the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration on Good Governance and Integrity in Customs.

During the meeting, participants were informed of the WCO’s latest integrity-related activities and initiatives and advised of the plan to update the WCO’s integrity tools and instruments. Participants also shared their experiences regarding the further development of internal controls and automation aimed at reducing corruption risks. 

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