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Developing Regional ECP Trainers for WCO ESA Region

18 febrero 2019

The 3rd Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on the WCO Economic Competitiveness Package (ECP) was held at the Regional Training Centre (RTC) in Mombasa, Kenya from 5 to 13 February 2019, under the WCO-ESA Project II.

The WCO-ESA Project II, “To progress the Trade Facilitation agenda within the framework of the WCO Mercator Programme in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) Region, 2016 - 2019” is funded by the Finnish Government. 

A total number of fourteen Customs Officers who had previously attended the 1st and 2nd ToT Workshops held in February and November 2018, from across the ESA Region (Botswana, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe) participated.

During the workshop participants were provided additional information and training materials relating to the technical aspects of the ECP including the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC), the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) and the WCO Mercator Programme, along with further guidance in relation to the delivery of effective training techniques. The participants also had the opportunity to make presentations on specific TFA articles and on WCO ECP tools.

The participants also had the chance to demonstrate their ability in relation to strategic planning activity, analytical assessment and letter writing. They were  also provided information on the principles of effective Project Management.  

All the participants were considered suitable to become  ESA National and/or Regional ECP Trainers. In addition, the series of workshops provided a good opportunity for the WCO to identify three potential Mercator Programme Advisors (MPAs) with the ability to assist Member administrations to implement the provisions of the WTO TFA.

It is anticipated that these officials  from across the WCO ESA Region,  will now contribute, both at national and regional level, to enhancing the overall capacity of the Region in the area of the WCO ECP.