Good progress of East Africa on trade facilitation and enhanced border control

29 julio 2019

Five Revenue Authorities of East Africa, namely Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, gathered in Zanzibar, Tanzania on 17 July 2019 for the third Regional Joint Coordinating Committee (RJCC) meeting of their “Project on Capacity Development for Trade Facilitation and Border Control in East Africa”.   This Project is implemented by the five East African Revenue Authorities (EARAs) with the support jointly provided by the WCO and JICA.  With the aims at improving the efficiency of border procedures and enhancing border control, the five East African Revenue Authorities have been working together on (1) effective One Stop Border Posts (OSBPs) operation, and (2) Customs capacity building on three areas, namely (i) risk management (RM), (ii) post clearance audit (PCA), and (iii) Program Global Shield (PGS) through the Project.

The meeting was hosted by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and Zanzibar Revenue Board (ZRB) and was attended by the Commissioners General, Commissioners Customs and other senior officials from the Revenue Authorities of EAC Partner States, EAC Secretariat, WCO, JICA and Japan Customs.  The RJCC reviewed progress made in the last six month including the Master Trainer Program (MTP) on Post Clearance Audit (PCA), Training-of-Trainers (ToT) activity on Program Global Shield (PGS) and its national follow ups, and the Benchmarking Study on IPR border control conducted in Thailand and Japan to further enhance their risk management capacity.   

The meeting particularly noted the strong ownership and excellent follow-up work demonstrated by the PGS national trainers developed in East Africa through the PGS Training-of-Trainer activity that took place earlier this year. 

The RJCC welcomed the reported progress of work and agreed on the concrete target figures relating to the OSBP operation and customs capacity building to be achieved through the collaborative work among the parties concerned.   The meeting also expressed their appreciation to the WCO and JICA for the quality support offered.   The WCO and JICA reaffirmed their commitment and support for the Project through the WCO/JICA Joint Project towards more sustainable economic and social prosperities in the region.

For more information on this activity and the WCO/JICA Joint Project, contact