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Regional Development - WCO supports Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

30 julio 2019

WCO Deputy Secretary General Ricardo Treviño Chapa met with the Foreign Secretary of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón, on 10 July 2019 to discuss the WCO’s support for regional development. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico City.

During the meeting, the Comprehensive Development Plan for El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico proposed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the sub-regional headquarters of which is hosted by the Mexican Administration, was discussed. Deputy Secretary General Treviño Chapa reaffirmed the WCO’s support for the countries involved with a view to achieving the Plan’s goal of promoting inclusive regional growth.

In order to achieve this objective, ECLAC has drawn up a set of recommendations highlighting the need to facilitate intraregional trade and promote the establishment of secure regional supply chains.

As part of the WCO’s strategy, great importance is being placed on the development of tools for the improvement of Coordinated Border Management and on assisting Members with implementation of facilitation initiatives, through funding from a variety of donor partners.

Deputy Secretary General Treviño Chapa concluded that the WCO is committed to uphold its leading role in assisting Member administrations with their Customs and border modernization initiatives.