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A-CIP Programme: Identifying integrity priorities within Mozambique Revenue Authority

20 junio 2019

The first Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme for Customs activity, conducted from 10 to 14 June 2019 in Maputo, aimed at identifying current integrity-related strategies arising from the National Anti-Corruption Program (2018-2022) as well as priority areas for future action within the Mozambique Revenue Authority (Autoridade Tributária de Moçambique - ATM). The Government of Mozambique has defined as one of its key governance objectives the fight against corruption by adopting measures to prevent and control acts of corruption.

During the week, ATM management and staff were sensitized to the WCO approach to integrity development including available instruments and tools. The methodology used to assess the various organizational enablers in this diagnostic/environmental scan consisted of pre-mission documentary analysis, in-country discussions with staff and stakeholders, on-site visits (e.g. TIMAR - Maputo International Maritime Goods Terminal), observation of processes and system demonstration.

This foundation work will assist in establishing a roadmap for future ATM’s activities conducted under the WCO A-CIP Programme. The roadmap or project plan will include a link to ATM strategic objectives, specific capacity building measures in line with the Revised Arusha Declaration as well as key performance indicators pertaining to integrity.  Both ATM and the WCO are keen to continue working together to ensure the successful implementation of the A-CIP Programme and the ATM’s Strategic Plan to promote integrity within their Customs Administration.

The WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme was launched in January 2019 and is financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).  It aims to provide support to beneficiary countries in the implementation of new measures to fight corruption and promote integrity in accordance with the ten areas of the Revised Arusha Declaration.

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