National Workshop on Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (Tajikistan, 7 to 10 May 2019)

04 junio 2019

With the cooperation and support of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency (NRSA) of Tajikistan, the WCO delivered a four-day National Workshop on Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) in Dushanbe from 7 to 10 May 2019. This is the 29th national STCE Workshop delivered by the WCO since 2016 and it was attended by 18 frontline and supervisory officers from Tajikistan Customs, NRSA and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

During the Workshop, participants were introduced to the concept of STCE and its legal and administrative frameworks. They were also familiarized with dual-use goods and given opportunities to undertake practical exercises and hold group discussions. In addition to the WCO Expert, three pre-accredited STCE Trainers one from Moldova and two from Ukraine supported the Workshop by delivering part of the curriculum; they earned their accreditation as Expert Trainers as a result.

The STCE Programme is aimed at supporting Member administrations with the adoption of a sustainable national STCE training mechanism to ensure continuous capacity building of frontline officers. The Programme Team is committed to delivering more workshops in the future, both in Brussels and throughout the WCO regions. For additional information, please contact the STCE Programme Coordinator: