Regulatory framework, transparency & automation identified as priorities during the first WCO A-CIP mission in Tanzania

12 junio 2019

The first WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) mission to the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was conducted in Dar es Salaam from 20-24th May 2019.  Sixteen (16) individual meetings were conducted throughout the week, including with the Commissioner General, Deputy Commissioner General and Commissioner Customs. WCO experts also met with the TRA Management team, Managers of Customs (such as the Dar Es Salaam Port Manager), TRA’s Institute of Tax Administration (ITA) and key representatives from the private sector. This resulted in the production of a “priority map” outlining key areas to inform TRA’s integrity strategy and action plan, to be supported by A-CIP. By the end of the week, TRA and WCO representatives concluded that the Customs administration should focus on the areas of regulatory framework, transparency and automation as priorities.

TRA’s commitment to fight corruption and promote integrity has been evident at all levels of the organization, with active engagement from the Management team, in the expansion and multiplication of innovative initiatives to embed this throughout the organization. This was evident during meetings with TRA staff who actively participated in discussions in these areas.  WCO experts were particularly pleased to see that TRA’s designated team for the Programme took the initiative to develop a self-assessment based on the Revised Arusha Declaration. Such action bodes well for TRA’s future of integrity initiatives under the WCO A-CIP Programme.

The WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme was launched in January 2019 and is financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).  It aims to provide support to beneficiary countries in the implementation of new measures to fight corruption and promote integrity in accordance with the ten areas of the Revised Arusha Declaration.

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