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Ukraine State Fiscal Service reviews Strategic Plan to prepare for changes and implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

27 mayo 2019

As part of on-going efforts to strengthen Customs border management, modernize Customs operations, and enhance the Ukraine’s institutional trade platform, the State Fiscal Service (SFS) has conducted a number of activities and extensive planning to fulfill these objectives. As part of this forward planning, a WCO strategic planning mission was conducted from the 21st to 23rd of May 2019.

SFS officials and one Ministry of Finance participant worked with WCO facilitators to develop a draft Strategic Plan Framework. Discussions and group work dealt with Stakeholder Mapping, SWOT Analysis, and reviewing the vision, mission, values and strategic priorities in line with future needs.  This review also covered addressing risks, concrete steps needed, timetables, and performance indicators aligned to each of the strategic priorities.

The week’s activities concluded with guidance on how to approach Strategic Mapping and a Communication Strategy.  During the seminar’s closing ceremony, Mr. Alexander Vlasov, Acting Head of the SFS, stated that “…familiarization of the SFS specialists with the experience and best world practices is especially relevant in the process of reforming the SFS and the creation of qualitatively new customs and tax service.”

The WCO looks forward to continued engagement with the SFS. The productive week was made possible through the sponsorship of the Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) of Korea. For more information about this activity, please contact