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WCO supports Paraguay in the development of the new Strategic Plan covering Management Reporting System

09 mayo 2019

Under the auspices of WCO/CCF-Reserves, the WCO conducted a 5-day workshop from March 25 to 29, 2019 at the National Customs of Paraguay (DNA) Headquarters in the City of Asuncion, Paraguay, to work on the design of the new five year Strategic Plan, comprising a management reporting system to assist in the decision-making process.

The event attended by 33 officials from different branches of the DNA, both from the central office as well as from the Regional Offices of the Customs. In highly interactive sessions, the facilitator alongside with the team reviewed the different stages of the strategic planning process, especially the definition of the strategic objectives, the construction of key performance indicators, the respective goals and aligned the strategic projects with the corresponding objectives.

At the occasion, the National Director of Customs highlighted the importance of this endeavor that will allow the institution to accelerate the operational and organizational management processes, towards the development of monitoring mechanisms to facilitate informed decisions.

The mission was an opportunity to outline an Action Plan to keep the track of future activities and follow-up on specific requirements, such as the configuration of DNA Customs Management System (database) to allow the monitoring and analytical mechanisms which will define the Strategic Dashboard, covered by the Strategic Plan objectives.

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