18th Meeting of the RILO National Contact Points for the Commonwealth of Independent States

22 octubre 2019

The 18th Meeting of the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office (RILO) National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was held in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) on 15 October 2019. The Meeting was hosted by the Customs Service, under the auspices of the Government of Tajikistan.

The Meeting brought together Heads of NCPs from all eight RILO CIS Member States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), the Head of the RILO Eastern and Central Europe (ECE), the Project Manager of the RILO Asia/Pacific, as well as representatives from the Bureau for the Coordination of the Fight Against Organized Crime and Other Dangerous Types of Crimes on the Territory of the CIS.

The Meeting considered the current work of the RILO CIS NCPs on the use of WCO information resources and law enforcement tools. The participants discussed a wide range of issues: participation of NCPs in international special operations and projects, improvement of data input in the WCO Customs Enforcement Network (CEN) Database, and information exchange via the CENcomm tool. The Meeting participants highlighted further prospective areas of work by the RILO CIS, taking into account the upcoming update of some WCO law enforcement tools.

The participants agreed on additional activities to be carried out by the RILO CIS NCPs for the upcoming year. The RILO CIS Annual Action Plan for 2020 was also endorsed by all Member States.