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HRM diagnostic mission in Mauritius Revenue Authority to enhance the current HRM system

02 octubre 2019

Upon the request of the Mauritius Revenue Authority and under the auspices of the WCO-Finland Project for the ESA region, financed by Finland Government, the World Customs Organization (WCO) conducted a diagnostic review of the current HRM system with a view to supporting the enhancement and effective implementation of a modern and transparent HRM system. The mission was conducted from 09 to 13 September 2019 in Port Louis.

The diagnostic mission was facilitated by gathering documents and tools as well as information from MRA HRM department prior to the mission through the People Development Diagnostic tool (PDDT). This was followed by on-site discussions with senior management, middle management and field officers in Customs, domestic tax and support department. The WCO team greatly appreciated the relevance of existing documents as well as the valuable input provided by MRA senior management and its headquarters’ staff, as well as by Customs officers in the port. Based on the international instruments, standards and tools, as well as regional working experiences and WCO best practices, WCO experts working with MRA HRM department analysed the current HRM system and elaborated potential areas for further improvement.

Based on the detailed discussions and analysis, the WCO diagnostic team recommended a set of measures that MRA could potentially undertake to further expand and enhance the HRM system by adopting the Competency-based paradigm.

MRA HRM department has expressed a strong determination to move towards more effective implementation of the Competency-based HRM in line with international standards, which would help to establish a transparent and modern HRM system.

For more information on the WCO HRM - HRD Programme, please contact