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WCO participates in International Forum Eurasian Week

01 octubre 2019

At the invitation of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), the WCO Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Ricardo Treviño Chapa, attended the 4th International Forum Eurasian Week, held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic from 25 to 27 September 2019. 

The Eurasian Week brings together officials, the business community, and scientific and expert groups from Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member countries to discuss the most pressing issues relating to the implementation and development of economic activities in the EAEU. The event was attended by representatives from Eurasian government authorities, business leaders and other stakeholders, including international organizations and border agencies as well as local representatives.

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziev, Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, highlighted the fact that it was the 25th anniversary of the Eurasian project and that it was five years since the EAEU Agreement had been signed. He continued by stating that, although the Union continued to prove its status as a stable integration mechanism in the Eurasian region and a key player on the global market, modern-day challenges within the global and regional contexts called for a review of the Union’s current economic policies and its interaction with major global players. The Prime Minister mentioned that the Union’s members had shown consistent economic growth and that international trade, as well as tourism, had been among the key drivers for this economic development.

As part of Eurasian Week, Deputy Secretary General Treviño Chapa participated in the panel session on “EAEU logistics and Customs infrastructure”, moderated by Mr. Bakytbek Bayserkeev, Director of the EEC Department of Customs Infrastructure. After explaining the WCO’s main objectives, the Deputy Secretary General underlined the importance of adopting international standards and harmonizing procedures for more efficient cross-border trade among EAEU countries. He went on to say that effective coordination and cooperation would not only result in greater levels of facilitation but also in securing legitimate trade and protecting society.

He stressed that effective Customs cooperation was at the heart of any successful Economic Union and that, although very positive results were being achieved by the Union’s members in this regard, there were still major challenges ahead such as establishing a regional Single Window and boosting cooperation between the EAEU’s five member countries.

In the margins of the event, the Deputy Secretary General held meetings with the EEC Minister for Customs Cooperation to continue fostering joint efforts and effective collaboration with the region. He also met with the Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Service of Kyrgyzstan, and expressed the WCO’s ongoing support for the country’s Customs modernization project, particularly in the area of AEO Programme implementation.

While in Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Treviño Chapa visited the recently accredited Regional Training Centre (RTC) in Bishkek. On this occasion, he met with the Head and team of the RTC and discussed the training programmes at the Centre itself, as well those at the National Dog Training Centre. The RTC provides trainees with facilities such as a mock Customs environment, including airport, road and railway Customs checkpoints.