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Discussing Customs Integrity: the WCO A-CIP Programme Hosts a New Web Series

12 agosto 2020

The WCO’s Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme is hosting a new web series on various topics relating to Customs and integrity.

Guest speakers from WCO Secretariat and Membership are invited to discuss issues concerning the fight against corruption in Customs and provide insights into key WCO integrity tools and instruments, as well as the importance of related areas such as the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).

Ricardo Treviño Chapa, WCO Deputy Secretary General, underlined that, within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, “now more than ever, as the world faces new social and economic challenges, combatting corruption in Customs is critical to maintaining trust in and security of public institutions”.

Four episodes of the web series have been released so far, introducing what the WCO does about corruption in Customs; how to talk about corruption in Customs; key WCO integrity-related tools; and who is involved in WCO integrity activities.

Future episodes will cover topics such as some ways to measure corruption in Customs, insights on the Revised Arusha Declaration, as well as discussions focusing on key factors within the Revised Arusha Declaration.  For example, how the Regulatory Framework & Reform and Modernization key factors are connected with the Revised Kyoto Convention and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) commitments.

WCO Members, other international organizations, and representatives of the private sector alike will find those episodes useful and insightful, and that will help generate further discussion around the topic of integrity in Customs.

For more information about the web series, WCO A-CIP Programme or WCO integrity-related activities, please visit the WCO A-CIP Programme page, or contact