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Dutch Customs share their analysis of the A-CIP Programme’s Customs Integrity Perception Survey

09 diciembre 2020

The Customs Administration of the Netherlands assisted the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme in the analysis of the data collected during its first iteration of the Customs Integrity Perception Survey (CIPS).

In addition to the country-level analysis undergone by the A-CIP Programme in collaboration with EY Germany, Dutch Customs worked with a fully anonymised data set to perform a statistical analysis and explore trends or patterns across the data collected. It was found that the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration key factors Transparency, Audit & Investigation and Human Resource Management had the most visible influence on the likelihood of Customs officials committing integrity breaches. It was also shown that men and women present some significant differences in how they experience corruption, but that both genders feel the same level of responsibility to achieving high integrity standards. The analysis also showed that private sector representatives find it important to have a code of conduct when dealing with Customs administration, as well as to know what the procedures to report instances of corruption are. Dutch Customs’ statistical analysis of the CIPS data is available here and might be of interest to all WCO Members.

The Norad-funded A-CIP Programme benefits from and is grateful to the expert support from WCO Members such as the Netherlands and builds on their technical assistance to improve the business environment for cross-border trade in selected WCO member countries by making changes to the operational and administrative context that restricts corrupt behaviour and promotes good governance in customs operations and administration.

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