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New agreement with KCS on financial support to enhance the WCO CLiKC! Platform

01 diciembre 2020

The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the Korea Customs Service (KCS) signed an agreement on the 27 November 2020, on the financial support of the WCO’s e-learning project to improve and upgrade the CLiKC! (Customs Learning and Knowledge Community), the WCO’s e-learning platform. This initiative will lead to strengthened learning capacity for Members. 

The project will support the development of new courses and the upgrade of the existing courses. It will provide Members the knowledge and skills needed in the new era of emerging technologies and will keep Members abreast of the trends in the global trade environment. Through the project, Customs officers are will have access to extremely valuable training material and very useful information, in several different languages.

Stakeholders in the supply chain and other international trade professionals have shown their strong interest to receive training from the WCO Academy. This project will, by developing specific e-learning courses adapted to their needs, allow active dissemination of information and knowledge related to WCO standards, tools and instruments to a wider audience and will support their implementation activities at a global scale.

The Director of Capacity Building Directorate, Dr. Taeil Kang, welcomed this highly appreciated support and expressed his strong hope that this initiative will address the Members needs for more virtual learning during this unprecedented pandemic crisis and, as a result, will continue to provide the practical knowledge and skills necessary for Customs administrations to perform their duties effectively.

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