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WCO successfully conducts a virtual National Workshop on Authorized Economic Operator Mutual Recognition for the Republic of Moldova

09 diciembre 2020

At the request of the Republic of Moldova, the World Customs Organization (WCO) successfully delivered a virtual National Workshop on Authorized Economic Operator Mutual Recognition (AEO-MR) from 2 to 4 December 2020, to the Customs Administration of Moldova. The Workshop was also supported by the Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) for the WCO Europe region. Two WCO recognized experts from the Customs administrations of Malaysia and Italy were assigned as the key resource persons for this activity, with support from the WCO Secretariat.

The AEO concept was implemented in the Republic of Moldova in 2014, constituting a condition of the Moldova-European Union (EU) Association Agreement and based on the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade. Moldova Customs is in the process of negotiating a Mutual Recognition Arrangement/Agreement (MRA) with the EU and within the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA). Considering these commitments and the national action plans stemming from them, the main purpose of this Workshop was to strengthen Moldova Customs’ understanding and knowledge by providing more in-depth information on AEO-MR. To achieve this, the three days of virtual sessions covered important and relevant topics with a focus on: (i) AEO MRA benefits, challenges and lessons learned; (ii) WCO SAFE Package; (iii) AEO MRA procedures in the EU and CEFTA; (iv) Technology/IT related issues; (v) Plurilateral/Multilateral AEO MRAs; (v) AEO MRA Strategy Guide; (vi) Data exchange under MRAs, and (vii) Trade Identification Number. The interactive format allowed participants to resolve any doubts and identify clear actions to be considered as part of their AEO MRA efforts.

Mr. Pranab Kumar Das, Director, WCO Compliance and Facilitation Directorate, Mr. Eser Cengel, Head of the ROCB for the WCO Europe region, and Ms. Tatiana Moraru, Head of the AEO and Simplified Procedures Unit, Moldova Customs provided remarks during the opening session of the workshop. In his opening remarks, the Director explained that the Workshop would certainly benefit Moldova Customs, enabling them to accelerate their AEO MRA process at all levels. Approximately 12 Customs officers responsible for AEO MRA took part in the Workshop.