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The WCO A-CIP Programme welcomes five additional partner administrations

10 febrero 2020

As of January 2020, the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme for Customs is now collaborating with five additional partner administrations. Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Jordan, Niger and Palestine are now benefiting from WCO technical assistance and capacity building provided through the Programme.

The A-CIP Programme’s expansion follows the WCO and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) signature of an addendum to the initial Grant Agreement last November, bringing Norway’s total contribution from EUR 5m to nearly EUR 8m. The WCO A-CIP Programme now counts 16 partner administrations as Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Tunisia have already been collaborating with the WCO to promote integrity and fight against corruption, within the context of the Programme launched in January 2019.

This Programme responds to the increased demand from WCO Members for support in their own efforts to meet the recommendations of the Revised Arusha Declaration on Integrity in Customs, recognizing the high costs of corruption, to both public and private sectors.

For more than two decades, the WCO has played an active and key role in addressing the complex problem of corruption in public service and more specifically in customs. The WCO’s core strategic policy document Customs in the 21st Century emphasizes the fight against corruption, the safeguarding of integrity and the enhancement of good governance measures.  The A-CIP Programme will galvanize activity in this area and lead efforts to improve governance and integrity in customs.

For more information about the A-CIP Programme, please visit the WCO A-CIP Programme page, or contact .