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WCO supports Thailand on the Harmonized System and Advance Rulings on Classification

07 enero 2020

A National Workshop on the Harmonized System and Advance Rulings on Classification was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 16 to 20 December 2019.  The Workshop, jointly organized by the WCO and the Thai Customs Department and funded by CCF Japan, was facilitated by two experts from the WCO Secretariat.  It was attended by 30 officials from the Customs Tariff Division, Customs Tariff Appeal Section, International Customs Tariff Section and Customs Talent Management Programme, all working at the Headquarters.

The Workshop’s main focus was to secure uniformity in the interpretation and application of the HS Nomenclature and to introduce the amendments to the HS that will enter into force in 2022.  Furthermore, the Workshop offered an opportunity to discuss the tools and instruments developed by the WCO under the Revenue Package to assist the improvement of the current classification work and related infrastructure, including an Advance Ruling system.  

The participants worked in groups to discuss some recent classification cases decided by the HS Committee and also presented the results of the practical application of the Diagnostic Tool on Tariff Classification, Valuation and Origin Work and Related Infrastructure, including action points with proposals and solutions related to the modernization of classification work.  

The Deputy Director General of Thai Customs, Mr. Kitti SUTTISUMPUN, highlighted the importance of HS classification as one of the pillars of Customs and recognized the need of imparting the necessary knowledge to the officials that work in this area.  He thanked the WCO for working together with Thai Customs in order to strengthen this important technical area.

The Workshop provided an excellent opportunity for networking and exchange of views on a range of topics on tariff classification and management of tariff and statistical nomenclatures.