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Azerbaijan hosts WCO Risk Management Diagnostic Mission

23 marzo 2020

At the request of the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Azerbaijan, the World Customs Organization (WCO) conducted a Customs Risk Management Diagnostic Mission from 3 to 11 March 2020, funded by CCF Eurocustoms.

The Risk Management Diagnostic Mission began with a meeting with senior managers, headed by First Deputy Chairman Mr. Huseynov Ismayil Xalil, on 3 March 2020. The pre-mission information concerning organizational structure, policies and priorities was confirmed. The main objectives, methodology and anticipated results of the diagnostic exercise were also discussed.

The main objectives of this mission were (1) to conduct a comprehensive review of the SCC’s Risk Management policy, strategy and infrastructure, including implementation; (2) to conduct a gap analysis by considering international good practices; and (3) to identify recommendations for Risk Management reform and modernization.

Field visits were subsequently made to Samur Border Customs Head Directorate, Baku Customs Head Directorate and Baku Airport Customs Head Directorate.

During a debriefing meeting held on 11 March 2020, the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Azerbaijan appreciated the WCO’s expertise in the area of risk management and looked forward to receiving the full report. The First Deputy Chairman, Mr. Huseynov Ismayil Xalil, expressed his full satisfaction with the way the mission had been conducted and the positive discussions held during the debriefing meeting, as well as the three field visits.