The World Customs Organization (WCO) organized a Revenue Package National Workshop for Bahrain Customs Affairs on the development of an Advance Ruling System for Classification and Origin as set out in the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. This Workshop was conducted in Manama, Bahrain, from 23 to 27 February 2020. Selected Customs officers and representatives from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism worked intensively during the workshop facilitated by two WCO Technical Officers.
Bahrain is preparing for the operational implementation of the Advance Rulings system for classification and origin.
Addressing the participants, the Director General for Planning and Administrative Affairs of Customs, Mr. Terki Bin Daij Al Khalifa, emphasized the importance for trade facilitation, including transparency and predictability, for economic operators.
The WCO Technical Guidelines on Advance Rulings for Classification, Origin and Valuation as well as national regulatory provisions, made it possible to identify a series of recommendation to define the best way to put into practice the national Advance Rulings system.
The outputs and knowledge gained from the Workshop will assist Bahrain Customs Affairs in implementing the Advance Rulings programme, and consequently, in facilitating its trade.