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STCE sub-regional training for Customs Administrations in Western Balkans Countries

30 noviembre 2020

The Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Programme has been conducting numerous virtual capacity building events during the last quarter or 2020, in order to enhance the customs role in detecting and combat illicit trade of strategic goods and support the WCO members during the difficult times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

From 10 to 13 November 2020, the STCE Team delivered a virtual sub-regional training for Customs Administrations in Western Balkans Countries, which involved 70 customs officers from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina with a background in customs clearance, intelligence and risk management.

The curriculum had been translated in the regional language, in order to allow attendees to deeper understand and engage with the trainers, and it was delivered by the WCO STCE Expert Trainer with the collaboration of experts in the region. Mr. Josip Dolusic from the Customs Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina presented their national STCE system and experience, while Mr. Darko Nincic, Mr. Igor Andjelkovic and Mr. Mirce Mohora, from the Serbia Customs, delivered the commodity modules on dual-use materials and equipment, radioactive and nuclear materials and weapons and military equipment. The participants showed a high level of interest, by asking several questions and engaging in the polls and quizzed proposed by the presenters.

The WCO has received positive feedback for the training, as testified by one of the comments provided by the trainees: “A new way of holding seminars through an online platform provides excellent conditions for participants to focus on the subject, even to be engaged and active participants. All praise for the organization and presenters”.

The STCE team continues planning virtual capacity building activities, at a national, regional and global level, hoping to be able to conduct physical events in the near future.