Successful opening of the Advanced Course on Tax and Customs Administration Management

23 octubre 2020

The Advanced Course on Tax and Customs Administration Management was successfully launched on 19th of October 2020 with the participation of 40 top and middle management officials from Customs and Tax Administrations from 10 countries in the Americas region.

This course is a joint initiative between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) through its Technical Assistance Center for Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic (CAPTAC-DR); the Institute of Fiscal Studies of Spain (IEF); the National Distance Education University (UNED); the WCO and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland (SECO) under the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme.

The opening ceremony was presided by the WCO Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Ricardo Treviño; Ms. Katherine Baer, Assistant Director of Fiscal Affairs Department of the IMF; Mr. Lisandro Abrego, Coordinator of CAPTAC-DR; Mr. Alain Cuenca, Director General of the IEF; Mr. Silvan Hungerbühler, Programme Manager of the SECO, and Jose Manuel Guirola, Director of the Special Institutional Center of the UNED at the IEF.

During his opening remarks, Mr. Ricardo Treviño expressed that the WCO is honored to join forces with such distinguished partners to facilitate basic training necessary for managing modern Tax and Customs Administrations. He also highlighted the strategic role of Customs in the economic recovery and protection of society, amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mr. Treviño stressed the importance of close cooperation between Tax and Customs administrations to achieve shared objectives and tackle common challenges.

This Advanced Course on Tax and Customs Administration Management aims at providing top and middle management officials from Tax and Customs Administrations with the necessary capacities to successfully lead today’s institutions focused on voluntary compliance. The complete program is designed to have a blended approach, consisting of 80 hours of remote activities and 30 hours of face-to-face sessions, once the current situation is normalized and travelling is allowed.

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