WCO Virtual Workshop on Customs Valuation for Panama Customs

28 septiembre 2020

The World Customs Organization organized, with the support of the Customs Cooperation Fund of China, a national workshop on Customs valuation for the benefit of Panama Customs to effectively implement the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement.  The workshop was held virtually from 8 - 10 September 2020 and was co-facilitated by two WCO Accredited experts from Brazil and Uruguay. 

Twenty-two selected participants located in different regions of the country and representing different technical units of Panama Customs took part in this three day workshop.  Most participants are responsible for applying the Agreement during the document verification and clearance phases.

During the workshop, several key concepts of the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement were covered including the latest related developments and the use of post clearance audit for Customs valuation control.

The workshop comprehended different sessions with theory and practical cases. The topics covered in the programme comprised the structure and the different valuation methods of the Agreement including the transaction value, related party, direct-indirect payments, Article 8 adjustments, the use of Customs databases as a risk assessment tool and relevant instruments approved by the TCCV.