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Conclusion of the Integrity Learning Event organised by the A-CIP Programme

17 diciembre 2021

From 25 October to 17 December 2021, over a hundred Customs officials from Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger and Tunisia participated in an Integrity Learning Event designed and facilitated by the Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, on the WCO CLiKC! platform.

The event was structured around 30 activities aimed at enhancing ownership of the WCO Integrity e-learning module’s content that was developed with funding from Norad to facilitate the implementation of the Revised Arusha Declaration within Customs administrations.

Encouraged to express their views and reflections online on a range of topics such as leading change to combat corruption, the impact of automation, and WCO integrity tools, participants posted over 2,200 contributions during the eight weeks of the event.

Among the most shared remarks in addressing the challenges of integrity promotion was the importance of senior management involvement, as well as the need to articulate individual and collective actions together. The importance of each Customs official taking ownership of WCO Model Code of Ethics and Conduct was also highlighted. In that regard, one of the instant polls featured during this innovative A-CIP activity showed that amongst the 11 elements of that WCO tool, the one relating to “Limitations on Political Activities” was seen as the hardest to manage within Customs administrations.

The WCO A-CIP Programme currently supports over 20 countries in five of the six WCO regions, with funding from Norad and Canada.

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