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WCO Programmes Help Build Trust between Customs and the Private Sector in Mozambique

24 junio 2021

From 7 to 11 June experts from the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) and WCO-Sida Programmes delivered a virtual Workshop to officials from key areas within Mozambique Autoridade Tributaria (AT) on conducting successful stakeholder consultations. The Workshop is part of a comprehensive approach focused on anti-corruption and integrity promotion, based on the ten key factors of the Revised Arusha Declaration. In particular, it aimed at the Relationship with Private Sector key factor, increasing mutual trust and collaboration, as one of the priority outcomes for WCO A-CIP support to AT of Mozambique. 

The improvement of public and private credibility is critical to support the balance between control and facilitation. The Deputy Director General of AT for Internal Control recognized the contribution of the workshop to strengthen their capacities in the implementation of the AT´s Strategy of Integrity Promotion. This initiative will also help build transparency and predictability for traders, contributing to the trade facilitation objectives of the Sida Programme in the country.

The methodology utilized in the training reflects lessons from successful virtual capacity building delivered under the WCO A-CIP Programme and included a blend of theoretical studies and homework assignments followed by plenary discussions to promote the new ways of thinking about stakeholder engagement.  Participants gave a very positive feedback regarding the practical exercises in particular, recognizing their usefulness to perform daily duties and have indicated they are already applying the new knowledge acquired to make changes in the way they engage with internal and external stakeholders.

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