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WCO Supports Integrity and Trade Facilitation Priorities in Ecuador

24 junio 2021

On Tuesday, 22nd June, the WCO Deputy Secretary General Ricardo Treviño Chapa welcomed the new Director General of the National Customs Service of Ecuador (SENAE), Ms. Andrea Paola Colombo Cordero, in a virtual meeting to discuss the WCO’s support to the administration. The discussion covered, in particular, Ecuador’s participation in the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme for Customs as part of the Programme’s expansion to the Americas this year, with support from Canada. The National Customs Service of Ecuador has indicated their commitment to building integrity through the establishment of its Office of Strengthening Institutional Ethics and Fighting Against Corruption (OFIELC) which will work together with the WCO A-CIP Programme Team to develop and implement a plan of action in line with the WCO’s Revised Arusha Declaration. These activities will help build transparency and predictability within the institution that will, in turn, support the country’s trade facilitation objectives and complement parallel activities taking place through the country’s participation in the WCO Mercator Programme for trade facilitation.