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New Stakeholder Engagement Virtual Training on Integrity launched with Customs Administration of Mali

31 marzo 2021

From 22-25 March, a new virtual training on Stakeholder Engagement with an emphasis on integrity was launched with participants from the General Directorate of Customs of Mali. The overall objective is to continue the implementation of the various axes of the Strategic Plan for the Modernization of Malian Customs in relation to all preventive and control measures carried out at national level by the Central Office for Fighting Against Illicit Enrichment (OCLEI) of Mali.

The course was developed under the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, in response to expressed needs from several participating administrations, including the General Directorate of Customs of Mali. These administrations are striving to improve their engagement with the private sector and other stakeholders, to implement common solutions to combat corruption and promote integrity.

The week long virtual training consisted of three online sessions as well as remotely facilitated intersessional work. More than 20 senior managers and high-level managers from Mali’s DGD involved in stakeholder outreach, attended the course facilitated by WCO A-CIP Programme experts.  Participants discussed how to further consolidate Malian stakeholder engagement strategies on matters relating to integrity. They have also developed a specific communication and an action plan, particularly in light of insights gained from Mali’s implementation of a Customs Integrity Perception Survey (CIPS), conducted in 2020 in Mali under the A-CIP Programme.

During his opening speech of the training, the Director General of Customs emphasized the strategic importance of sustained stakeholder engagement with the Malian Customs Administration in the fight against corruption and the promotion of integrity and encouraged the participants to moving towards this goal.

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