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The annual International Customs Forum was held in Moscow

29 octubre 2021

The annual International Customs Forum was held in Moscow from October 21 to 22, 2021.  This Forum was dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of establishment of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation.

Since the Russian Federation will apply the new version of Nomenclature based on the 7th edition of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, representatives of the Tariff and Trade Affairs Directorate of the World Customs Organization were invited to this Forum with a presentation to familiarize the participants with the Amendments to the HS 2022.

During this presentation, representatives of the World Customs Organization presented a quantitative analysis and typical examples of these amendments, as well as the background and reasons for their adoption.
The presentation was attended by representatives of various customs administrations and businesses.

At the end of the presentation, the participants expressed their satisfaction and emphasized the relevance and timeliness of its holding in the light of the process of implementation the new version of the Nomenclature from January 1, 2022.