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A fruitful Regional Virtual Forum on Gender Equality and Diversity for the WCO Americas and Caribbean region

15 septiembre 2021

The SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), in collaboration with the Vice-Presidency for the WCO Americas and Caribbean Region, organised a Regional Virtual Forum on Gender Equality and Diversity from 7 to 9 September 2021.

This Forum gathered over 80 participants from 24 countries from the Americas and Caribbean region, and provided an opportunity to reflect on the importance of promoting and implementing gender responsive and inclusive measures in Customs Administrations. Through exchanging experiences, the participants identified common challenges both in their professional and the personal life, to develop concrete recommendations to further promote gender equality and diversity.

The special participation of SECO high-level officials, Customs Administrations Directors, WCO members actively working on Gender Equality and Diversity, as well as international organizations, allowed for a unique opportunity for participants to benefit from their experience and insights. In addition, the practical group sessions during the second day provided an opportunity to exchange ideas in an open and constructive manner on crucial issues covering Work-Life Balance, Gender-Based Violence, Prevention of Harassment, Governance and Leadership, to engagements with stakeholders on these topics.

This Forum was an ideal platform for the SECO-WCO-GTFP Team to officially launch and announce the publication of the WCO Gender Equality Organizational Assessment Tool (GEOAT) in Spanish, translated by the GTFP with the financial support of the Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

On the grounds of this insightful and promising Forum, speakers and participants all agreed to make Gender Equality and Diversity a priority topic, to include it in the Customs’ agenda in the region and keep deploying efforts in this direction.

For more information on the GTFP, please, contact