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Ecuador Customs initiates a Next Generation Network (NGN) to build organizational integrity

08 diciembre 2022

From November 28th to December 2nd, Ecuador (SENAE) Customs brought together fifteen employees to begin the process of establishing a Next Generation Network (NGN) of young Customs officials who will be the organization’s future in the battle against corruption and the promotion of integrity.  Facilitated by the WCO A-CIP Programme, experts from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), who pioneered the model, shared their experience and expertise in managing and facilitating such a network.

The action is part of the Ecuador Customs work under the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, which aims to implement measures in accordance with the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration. In particular, the NGN is a concrete step towards building a culture of integrity within the organization, in line with the Morale and Organizational Culture key factor of the Revised Arusha Declaration.

During the workshop, the much-appreciated intervention of the CBSA NGN team and the many exchanges that followed, enabled all participants to reflect on the issues, objectives and rules of good governance.  Outcomes of the week included the draft Terms of Reference, the foundational document of the NGN, and an action plan for 2023, including strategies to engage the future participants of the network.

During the closing remarks, participants recognized that this event marked the official birth of the Next Generation Network of the Ecuador Customs Administration. They also credited the conference as a key step in deploying the activities plan that will continue in 2023, to support the implementation and development of the Ecuador Customs NGN in line with the objectives of anti-corruption and the promotion of integrity.

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