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The WCO delivered a Follow-up Mercator Mission to Peru

14 diciembre 2022

From 23 to 25 November 2022, within the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) framework, the WCO held a Mercator follow-up mission which aimed at verifying the progress made by the Customs Administration of Peru (SUNAT) on the implementation of the Mercator Programme since its diagnostic back in July 2019.

During the mission, the WCO experts reviewed the advancement of SUNAT on trade facilitation, where significant progress has been achieved on several provisions, especially those related to coordination with other stakeholders and risk management. The mission provided the opportunity to record the level of implementation of the recommendations issued by the WCO before the COVID-19 pandemic, adjust their trade facilitation implementation plan to enhance their Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) compliance, and update their maturity model.

SUNAT has invested its focus on expanding the digitalization of trade across borders without leaving on the side the importance of human capital, where they are beginning to weigh more importance on the resilience of their Customs officers, as well as managing organizational change.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact