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Guatemala and El Salvador strengthen stakeholder consultation mechanisms with support of the WCO A-CIP Programme

03 junio 2022

From 23 to 27 May, experts via the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) delivered successive workshops to officials from key areas within Guatemala’s Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (SAT) and El Salvador’s Dirección General de Aduanas (DGA) on  effective stakeholder consultations. The workshops are part of a comprehensive approach focused on anti-corruption and integrity promotion, based on the ten key factors of the Revised Arusha Declaration.

In particular, they aligned with the Reform and Modernization key factor, which seeks to increase performance and avoid cumbersome procedures by increasing stakeholder engagement in the evolution of Customs administration and operations. This key factor is one of the priority outcomes for WCO A-CIP support to Guatemala and El Salvador as both seek to also meet their commitments under the WCO TFA to provide more predictability and transparency in the trade environment.  The improvement of Customs systems and procedures is critical to eliminate any perceived advantages which might be obtained through circumventing the official requirements.

The Director General of the SAT and the Director General of the DGA recognized the contribution of the workshop to strengthen their capacities in the implementation of their Strategy of Integrity Promotion. Insightful conversations resulted in an increased awareness on the benefits obtained and challenges encountered when engaging a diversity of stakeholders. The participants shared their views and perspectives on how to build trustful relationships, meet stakeholders’ expectations to the largest extent possible, ensure compliance with Guatemala’s and El Salvador’s legislative and regulatory framework and foster collective action in the fight against corruption and promotion of integrity.

One of the most appreciated activities in both countries was a scenario reproducing real life situations. After the practical exercise the participants were more confident to plan a consultation process applying both the theoretical knowledge of virtual sessions and challenges faced during the scenario simulation.

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