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Improving E-Learning for Members: Regional Meetings Held with the CLiKC! National Coordinators

22 junio 2022

Throughout May and June, the Capacity Building Directorate (CBD) E-Learning Team organized six meetings with the CLiKC! National Coordinators (NC) from the WCO regions of Americas and Caribbean (AMS), Asia Pacific (AP), East and Southern Africa (ESA), Europe (EUR), North of Africa, Near and Middle East (MENA) and West and Central Africa (WCA).

The National Coordinators play an important role in promoting CLiKC!, the WCO’s e-learning platform, and giving the officers of their Administration access to online training. Currently, 170 out of 184 WCO Members have a National Coordinator in place.

The objective of the regional meetings was to collectively elaborate actions in order to improve CLiKC! for the benefit of the whole customs family. Prior to the live meetings, an online discussion forum was organized during which the National Coordinators shared their comments and experiences of using CLiKC!. More than 140 contributions were added to the discussion forum. Drawing on the written contributions, the regional meetings provided an opportunity for National Coordinators to further highlight Members’ needs regarding e-learning, and share examples of good practice for integrating CLiKC! training material into their Administration’s Customs officer training strategy. The discussions during the live regional meetings were facilitated by the language interpretation services, with Spanish interpretation made possible thanks to the financial support of CCF-Korea.

The fruitful meetings helped to raise National Coordinator engagement with CLiKC!. Furthermore, the outcomes of the meetings have allowed the E-Learning Team to formulate steps to take in the coming months to improve CLiKC!. These steps include plans to develop the technical infrastructure of CLiKC!, produce more guidance to support National Coordinators in their role, and make more video content available to Members on CLiKC!.

It is expected that these steps will enrich the online learning experience for WCO Members.

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