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Jordan Customs Department focus on their internal affairs function

10 junio 2022

On 7-8 June 2022, the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme held a virtual workshop on internal affairs in cooperation with the Jordan Customs Department (JCD), facilitated by experts from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA). The activity aimed at reinforcing JCD’s internal affairs capacity through the sharing of views, perspectives and best practices.

The pre-workshop assignment and productive conversations during the two virtual sessions allowed the participants to emphasize their multiple internal affairs related strengths but also to identify some areas for improvement. For example, Jordan Customs Department has clear authority to conduct investigations into allegations of corruption or malpractice, mechanisms to report corruption and malpractice and established partnership with other anti-corruption entities. Jordan Customs will also work to reinforce their mitigation strategies to respond to high-level risks related to corruption, further develop training and awareness on the topic of integrity (for all levels, including management) and increase data collection related to cases of malpractice to assist in identifying trend analysis.

In their closing remarks, JCD’s representative reiterated their commitment to work with the WCO to combat corruption and promote integrity.

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