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WCO AMS Regional Workshop on Data Analytics

06 mayo 2022

The WCO successfully conducted an AMS Regional Workshop on Data Analytics in English with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish, with the support of CCF-Korea. Approximately 40 participants attended the online workshop held from April 28th to 29th, 2022. The session was joined by Mr. Werner Ovalle Ramírez, the Vice-Chair for the AMS region, Dr. Taeil Kang, WCO Capacity Building Director, and Ms. Ines Cabrera, the Head of ROCB AMS.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Werner Ovalle, the Vice-Chair, thanked the WCO for its efforts to deliver the workshop on this important topic and anticipated that participating Members benefit from the event and motivate themselves to explore the potential of the data analytics. 

Dr. Taeil KANG, Capacity Building Director, welcomed and encouraged participants to promote and share information on Data Analytics technologies. Furthermore, he emphasized his intentions to continue supporting Capacity Building activities in the region according to the Members’ needs.

Excellent presentations by Argentinian, Peruvian, Korean, and Belize Customs helped share some of the current proceedings, experiences, and best practices in Data Analytics integration. Data experts from the WCO provided additional input on the use of Big Data Analytics and an introduction to the comprehensive framework for Data Analytics. Furthermore, the WCO updated the participants on the recent capacity building activities and future initiatives.

Noteworthy was the presentation of the recently published HS Code recommendation algorithm and its accompanying visualization module AI HS (, which have garnered much interest from Members, as it provides a practical, ready-to-use solution for risk management and trade facilitation.

Through these presentations, participants were familiarized with the methodologies, frameworks, and benefits of strategic planning during the proceedings. As a result, the event provided a stable foundation for realizing the potential of Customs through the implementation of sustainable innovations in line with international standards and best practices.

The workshop facilitated an avid discussion and active participation from the participants, which ultimately resulted in a successful workshop. The AMS region managers voiced their appreciation on the activity and were forthcoming with sharing new ideas on further steps to cooperate with the BACUDA project to enhance their capacities in Data Analytics nationally as well as regionally.

For further customized support, the WCO invites Members to contact the WCO BACUDA project team ( to organize a joint test of the HS Recommendation AI model or the DATE model with BACUDA experts.